Creating Collections

In this exercise you will learn how to create your own custom collection.

Preparing the exercise environment

To keep the content of this exercise separated from the other exercises you’ve done, first create a directory in your lab named exercise-05 and cd into it. This directory will be used during the whole exercise. In your VSCode terminal, run the following commands:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 ~]$ mkdir exercise-05
[ec2-user@autoctl1 ~]$ cd exercise-05
[ec2-user@autoctl1 exercise-05]$

This was covered already in this lab, but it’s important enough to state again: Ansible Collections have two default lookup paths that are searched.

  • User scoped path /home/<username>/.ansible/collections

  • System scoped path /usr/share/ansible/collections

Users can customize the collections path by modifying the collections_path key in the ansible.cfg file or by setting the environment variable ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS with the desired search path.

Inspecting the structure of a collection

Ansible Collections have a standard directory and file structure that can hold modules, plugins, roles and playbooks.

├── docs/
├── galaxy.yml
├── plugins/
│   ├── modules/
│   │   └──
│   ├── inventory/
│   └── .../
├── roles/
│   ├── role1/
│   ├── role2/
│   └── .../
├── playbooks/
└── tests/

Here is a short description of the collection structure:

  • The plugins folder holds plugins, modules, and module_utils that can be reused in playbooks and roles.

  • The roles folder hosts custom roles, while all collection playbooks must be stored in the playbooks folder.

  • The docs folder can be used for the collections documentation, as well as the main file that is used to describe the collection and its content.

  • The tests folder holds tests written for the collection.

  • The galaxy.yml file is a YAML text file that contains all the metadata used in the Ansible Galaxy hub to index the collection. It is also used to list collection dependencies, if there are any.

Creating a Collection

Okay, with the introduction out of the way, let’s create a custom collection and populate it with roles, playbook, plugins and modules. A scaffold for a user defined custom collection can be created manually or with the ansible-galaxy collection init command.

Create the Structure

Let’s get started, in your VSCode terminal create the initial structure for your new collection:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 exercise-05]$ ansible-galaxy collection init --init-path ansible_collections redhat.workshop_demo_collection
- Collection redhat.workshop_demo_collection was created successfully

The --init-path flag is used to define a custom path in which the skeleton will be initialized. The collection name always follows the pattern <namespace>.<collection>. The above example creates the workshop_demo_collection in the redhat namespace.

Have a look for yourself:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 exercise-05]$ tree
└── ansible_collections
    └── redhat
        └── workshop_demo_collection
            ├── docs
            ├── galaxy.yml
            ├── plugins
            │   └──
            └── roles

You can see the namespace directory was created together with a top-level ansible_collections directory. The scaffold is pretty minimal, note the template README files and a template galaxy.yml file is created to define Galaxy metadata.

Adding Content: Custom Modules and Plugins

Now it’s time to add content to our collection scaffold. Collections can include different kinds of plugins and modules. For a complete list of types please refer to the file in the plugins folder.

In this lab we are going to create a minimal Hello World module and install it in the plugins/modules directory.

First, create the plugins/modules directory:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 exercise-05]$ cd ansible_collections/redhat/workshop_demo_collection
[ec2-user@autoctl1 workshop_demo_collection}} ]$ mkdir plugins/modules

Using the VSCode editor, create the file with the content below in the modules folder. The demo_hello module says, well, “Hello” in different languages to a user defined through a parameter. This is not a lab about writing plugins, but take the time to look at the module code and understand its behavior.

When doing copy/paste from your browser into the VSCode editor you might have to use Shift-Ctrl-V.


    'metadata_version': '1.0',
    'status': ['preview'],
    'supported_by': 'community'

module: demo_hello
short_description: A module that says hello in many languages
version_added: "2.8"
  - "A module that says hello in many languages."
          - Name of the person to salute. If no value is provided the default
            value will be used.
        required: false
        type: str
        default: John Doe
    - Gianni Salinetti (@giannisalinetti)

# Pass in a custom name
- name: Say hello to Linus Torvalds
    name: "Linus Torvalds"

RETURN = '''
  description: Hello string
  type: str
  sample: Hello John Doe!

import random
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule

    "Hello {name}!",
    "Bonjour {name}!",
    "Hola {name}!",
    "Ciao {name}!",
    "Hallo {name}!",
    "Hei {name}!",

def run_module():
    module_args = dict(
        name=dict(type='str', default='John Doe'),

    module = AnsibleModule(

    result = dict(

    result['fact'] = random.choice(FACTS).format(

    if module.check_mode:
        return result


def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

An Ansible module is basically an implementation of the AnsibleModule class created and executed in a minimal function called run_module(). As you can see, a module has a main() function, like a plain Python executable. Anyway, it is not meant to be executed independently.

Adding Content: Adding a Custom Role

Ansible Collections are about bundling content that belongs together. So in the last step of this exercise we’ll create a role inside the custom collection that utilizes the new module. To make things easy it will simply write the greeting into the Message of the Day file /etc/motd.

Generate the new role hello_motd using the ansible-galaxy init command:

The ansible-galaxy command can be used to create initial directory structures for collections and roles. Make sure you are in the root directory of your ansible collection before executing this command.

[ec2-user@autoctl1 workshop_demo_collection ]$ ansible-galaxy init --init-path roles hello_motd
- Role hello_motd was created successfully

In the next step add the following role tasks in the roles/hello_motd/tasks/main.yml file:

# tasks file for hello_motd
- name: Generate greeting and store result
    name: "{{ friend_name }}"
  register: demo_greeting

- name: store test in /etc/motd
    content: "{{ demo_greeting.fact }}\n"
    dest: /etc/motd
  become: yes

Notice the usage of the demo_hello module, installed in the collection, to generate the greeting string.

When a collection role calls a module in the same collection namespace, the module is automatically resolved.

Every role should come with sensible defaults, add the following default variable to the roles/hello_motd/defaults/main.yml file to make it look like this:

# defaults file for hello_motd
friend_name: "John Doe"

Because ansible-galaxy creates a complete structure of directories and files, it’s a good idea to clean up unused ones to keep it tidy:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 workshop_demo_collection ]$ rm -rf roles/hello_motd/{handlers,vars,tests}

And as the final step customize the roles/hello_motd/meta/main.yml file to define Galaxy metadata and potential dependencies of the role. Use this sample minimal content:

  author: Ansible Workshop Team
  description: Hello world demo

  license: GPL-2.0-or-later

  min_ansible_version: 2.9

  galaxy_tags: ["demo"]

dependencies: []

Build and Install your Custom Collection

Okay, you are done with creating your role. Now you’ll build the collection and generate a .tar.gz file that can be installed locally or uploaded to Galaxy. From the collection folder run the following command:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 workshop_demo_collection ]$ ansible-galaxy collection build
Created collection for redhat.workshop_demo_collection at /home/student<GUID>/exercise-05/ansible_collections/redhat/workshop_demo_collection/redhat-workshop_demo_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz

The above command will create the file redhat-workshop_demo_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz. Notice the semantic x.y.z versioning. Once created the file can be installed in the COLLECTIONS_PATH to be tested locally:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 workshop_demo_collection ]$ ansible-galaxy collection install redhat-workshop_demo_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'redhat.workshop_demo_collection:1.0.0' to '/home/student<GUID>/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/redhat/workshop_demo_collection'

By default the collection will be installed in the ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections folder. Now the collection can be used locally!

Testing your Collection

Create the exercise-05/collections_test folder to hold the local test:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 workshop_demo_collection ]$ cd ~/exercise-05
[ec2-user@autoctl1 exercise-05 ]$ mkdir collections_test
[ec2-user@autoctl1 exercise-05 ]$ cd collections_test

To test the collection you need a basic playbook.yml file, create it with the following content:

- hosts: localhost

  - import_role:
      name: redhat.workshop_demo_collection.hello_motd
      friend_name: "Angry Potato"

Running the Test Playbook

Run the test playbook.

[ec2-user@autoctl1 collections_test ]$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml

PLAY [localhost] ******************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [redhat.workshop_demo_collection.hello_motd : Generate greeting and store result] ********************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [redhat.workshop_demo_collection.hello_motd : store test in /etc/motd] *******************************************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Verify the result by viewing the content of /etc/motd:

[ec2-user@autoctl1 collections_test ]$ cat /etc/motd
Hello Angry Potato!

The Module is creating the text in a random language, so your greeting might differ from the example above.


  • Collections can be created using the ansible-galaxy collection init command. Users can develop collections contents accordingly to their needs and business logic.

  • Collections plugins can be either any kind of Ansible plugins or modules. Modules are developed inside collection to create an autonomous lifecycle from the main Ansible upstream.

  • Collection roles can use local collections plugins and modules.